“The use of social media […] is just as likely to strengthen authoritarian regimes as it is to weaken them.” (Shirky 2011).
Politicians: we see them everywhere, on the television, in newspapers and even on posters in the streets. While they have dominated traditional media, they are quickly moving their campaigns and expanding onto the internet.
There have been many debates about this issue however; the most prevalent one is politicians creating false personas. Some politicians are using their Facebook and Twitter pages solely for campaigning and not connecting with their audience as they promised.
I am completely against politicians using these sites as a form of advertising which is why I found it refreshing when I found a quote from the Mayor of Saint Louis in America, Francis Slay.
He said "(Social media) allows me to give my thoughts on events and the complete text of my speeches (which) mainstream media might not cover" (Slay 2009).
Unlike other politicians who use their Facebook pages for grandstanding and promoting themselves, Slay uses his correctly by connecting with his audience. I think it is important for society to see the real sides of politicians and be given the opportunity to talk to their government official personally.
He said "(Social media) allows me to give my thoughts on events and the complete text of my speeches (which) mainstream media might not cover" (Slay 2009).
Unlike other politicians who use their Facebook pages for grandstanding and promoting themselves, Slay uses his correctly by connecting with his audience. I think it is important for society to see the real sides of politicians and be given the opportunity to talk to their government official personally.
In Jessica Monks blog, "New Media Musings", she gives an example of how Australian Politicians are using social media.
“Knowledge is power” (Bacon 1597) and the more you are able to find out about a politician, the better informed you will be about them and their policies.
ABCNews. 2010. “Social Networking Is Revolutionising Politics.” YouTube video, posted July 22, 2010. Accessed March 26, 2011.http//:www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DtTTB-Njgk&feature=related
Bacon, Francis. 1597. “Novum Organum”, Part I, Aphorism III. Boston: Taggard & Thompson, 1863, volume VIII,p.67-68 . Accessed March 25, 2011.
Monk, Jessica. 2011. "Social Media and the Queensland Floods." In New Media Musings. Accessed March 26, 2011. http://jessicamonkkcb206.blogspot.com/
Shirky, Clay. 2011. “The Political Power of Social Media: Technology, the Public Sphere, and Political Change.” In Foreign Affairs, edited by Clay Shirky, 28- 41. Ipswich: MA. Accessed March 26,2011.http://web.ebscohost.com.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/ehost/detail?sid=c1df57a9-1ca1 adb7c7e88a0a5ff22d%40sessionmgr14&vid=1&id=19&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=afh&AN=56624549.
Slay, Francis. 2009. “Politicians Using Social Media To By-Pass Press Corps.” In Media Shift. Accessed March 25, 2011.http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2009/11/politicians-use-social-media-to-bypass-the-press-corps306.html
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